Welcoming The StageCrafts First Intern, Lorelei Barcelos!

Lorelei is a senior at Boston's Emerson College, currently attending the Los Angeles Extension Program

<a href="https://www.thestagecrafts.com/author/loreleibarcelos/" target="_self">Lorelei</a>


Posted on January 23, 2024

Our first day with Lorelei was full of shenanigans! From left to right - Gregory Crafts, Lois Neville, Lorelei Barcelos, and Trevor Reece!
Our first day with Lorelei was full of shenanigans! From left to right - StageCrafts Co-Owner Gregory Crafts, Hollywood Fringe Executive Director Lois Neville, StageCrafts intern Lorelei Barcelos, and Hollywood Fringe Technical Director Trevor Reece!

Welcoming The StageCrafts First Intern, Lorelei Barcelos!

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Meet StageCrafts Winter 2024 Intern Lorelei Barcelos!

Hi Lorelei!

The StageCrafts is thrilled to welcome their very first intern to the team! Lorelei Barcelos (she/her) is currently a senior at Emerson College, pursuing a BFA in Theatre and Performance. She’s going to be helping us with our social media presence…she might be with us right now >:) She’s been in love with theatre since the fifth grade and that love has brought her all the way to The StageCrafts front doorstep. We asked Lorelei some questions so we could all get to know her better.

What was your first show?

Lion King Junior! I was actually the only girl to audition to be Pumbaa but I was cast as Vocal Ensemble. Nonetheless, this made me fall completely in love with theatre!

What about the LA theatre scene excites you?

It’s all so brand new. I’ve lived on the east coast for my whole life so LA is a daunting but exhilarating opportunity for me. I’m eager to see what kind of theatre comes out of the west coast for a change.

What are you hoping to learn at The StageCrafts?

The behind behind the scenes. I’ve been an actor, a techie, and a stage manager (very briefly haha) but I have never had an insider look of what it takes to run theatre spaces. I want to get very acquainted with the spaces that I love so much and the people that make it all happen. With interning here, I am also excited to meet some of the creatives that rent these spaces out and see what they are designing.

Anything else?

I am a February Aquarius (February 5th to be exact) and my favorite leafy green is arugula! And I am so grateful to be a part of The StageCrafts! 😀

And with that, we introduce Lorelei to the team!


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